I’m a French guy from Normandy addicted to travels and outdoor activities. I started to be interested in photography because I wanted to bring back home better pictures of all the places I visit every time I can. And the more I travel or hike, the more I take pictures… A real vicious circle!
So here we are, on this website on which I’m trying to show some good pictures of the places I love. Some of the shots you can see here were taken with my former combo Nikon D300/Sigma 17-50 lens but many were taken with my actual combo Nikon D800/Nikon 16-35 f4. I use graduated filters (Lee GND Filters hard & soft) as I’m trying to do only minor digital adjustments during RAW file post-process, trying to keep everything close to reality.
I’ve traveled to many countries for the last 10 years but my passion for journeys turned to a more photographic approach in 2013 during a unforgettable travel to Grand Canyon and other western USA parks. This is why there are only pictures of my more recent trips on this website. Here is a list of countries I’ve traveled to : Russia, Mongolia, Canada, Alaska, USA, China and most of European Western and Northern countries.
I also share my pictures to get feedback on my work on some photo sharing websites or social medias : Instagram – Facebook – DeviantArt – 500px – Flickr
For prints you can contact me or check my FAA account.